
This is a hand plane till for the ages! It’s designed to hold the planes you have now, and those you will acquire in the future as your skills and collection grow. It can hold 8-12 bench planes including a full set of Stanley sizes #3-8, plus a couple of extras (scrub plane, extra smoother, etc) AND several block or specialty planes! Or it can be customized to hold your favorite selection. It also includes a large drawer for other tools or sharpening accessories. You will not receive a paper copy.

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This is a hand plane till for the ages! It’s designed to hold the planes you have now, and those you will acquire in the future as your skills and collection grow. It can hold 8-12 bench planes including a full set of Stanley sizes #3-8, plus a couple of extras (scrub plane, extra smoother, etc) AND several block or specialty planes! Or it can be customized to hold your favorite selection. It also includes a large drawer for other tools or sharpening accessories. You will not receive a paper copy.

This is a hand plane till for the ages! It’s designed to hold the planes you have now, and those you will acquire in the future as your skills and collection grow. It can hold 8-12 bench planes including a full set of Stanley sizes #3-8, plus a couple of extras (scrub plane, extra smoother, etc) AND several block or specialty planes! Or it can be customized to hold your favorite selection. It also includes a large drawer for other tools or sharpening accessories. You will not receive a paper copy.


You will NOT receive a paper plan. You will be sent a link to download a digital PDF document that is compatible with most computers and digital devices. You may print it yourself or take it to a printing service. We do not provide 3D Sketchup models or CNC G-code.